Coas' ter


Have you ever wanted to collect valuable coasters?

Have you ever thought it couldn't happen to you, that only attractive, smart and interesting people can collect coasters?

Well you couldn't be further from the truth. Even you can collect coasters.

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”

- Clarice Turner

”I think I killed a girl in 2019. I was driving on the M1 and I saw a woman trying to get a goose into her car. I stopped and told her that you aren't allowed to keep the ducks and she just laughed. I had some spaghetti on me so I offered her some. As she was eating it I told her a really good joke about flying chickens. She didn't laughed so I grabbed the spaghetti and shoved it down her throat, I kept shoving it down and she suffocated, so I took the goose and carried on.”

- Rhy Morse

Happy Customers

I tried ordering a coaster but it never came so i ordered another and they sent me a note that said "Send more money dumbass". 0 Stars extremely dissapointed.

High quality coaster i traded my medium quality amstel coaster for a low quality limited addition guiness coaster.

I ordered a coaster 6 months ago and now I have terminal cancer. Thanks a lot coas' ter coast.

I really like Joey and Chandlers chemistry. They are so funny together, I found it so sad when Joey moved out because he got the job on days of our lives.

Contact Us

Get in touch with us for any inquiries or assistance. If your a little crybaby.